Solving all math problems just by scanning them with your phone

Morfe for you
4 min readFeb 28, 2022


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Hi everyone, I am so sorry for taking a long time to publish a new article but today l published a new article about a useful app reviews. You can solve all math problems just by scanning them with your phone. The app’s name is Photomath and develop by Photomath, inc. To scan your math problem , you must need to download the apps from google play store and other app stores for first.

I will give you the app stores links at the end of the story. After downloading the app, open the app and you can see like this below example….

To scan a problem, you must need to write it down on a place like your exercise books. I write an algebra problem down on a book

and I scan it in scanner.

You must click the red button to scan your problems and if you don’t have enough space to scan them, you can crop the scanner by dragging the corner of it.

The answer of my problem after scanning it is ,

You can view the solutions of your math problems by clicking on “Show solving steps” and you can see how to solve your problems like this below example.

If you don’t understand the solutions of your math problem, you can go to the explanation steps by clicking on “Explain steps” but this steps is not for free. You must need to purchase a photomath plus plan to view it.

Above photo is about the 2 benefits of the Photomath plus plan. The benefits are animation tutorials to explain all steps of each problem and another one is depth explanation with why and how tips. Below 3 photos are about the price of Photomath plus plans for 1 month, 6 months and 12 months. If you buy the plan for 12 months, you will get 49% off. You will get 7 days for free to use the the plans and you can cancel it anytime in play stores. I live in Myanmar and I download it from google play store and so the price is MMK.

1 month plan
A year plan
6 months plan

You can view your scanned problems histories by clicking on clock button below the red button. The below example is about my problem histories

You can also calculate your problems in Photomath calculator and you can also view the solution and explain steps like your scanned problems. You can sign up or sign in to customize your acc.

click below links to download the app ,

google play store

apple app store

Apk pure app store

This is all for now. Have an easy and nice day. I will see you back in next articles.



Morfe for you

I am going to share some games , apps and websites reviews on my Medium account for everyone but I am a non native English speaker.